Trinity Lutheran Church–ELCA




“We asked God through prayers, ‘What do you want us to do, here, where we are?’ … and we were directed to this ministry — which is being the hands and feet of Jesus, feeding those in need.”


With God We Can!

As Christians, we are called to be the presence of Christ in the world. As the Church, we are called to be this presence, not just on Sundays as we gather together for worship, but everyday, out in the world. As a congregation, we convened a time of intentional discernment and prayerfully asked God, “What do you want us to do, as Trinity Lutheran, here in Rocky Mount?”


god’s work, Our hands

After prayerful consideration of the needs of our community, we were called to this ministry — which is being the hands and feet of Jesus, feeding those in need. Through our hands, God has given stewards of the land a means to provide for the hungry. With God We Can! has given us the opportunity to be Christ’s presence in our community, to forge and strengthen relationships with our local farmers and United Community Ministries.

9,230 Quarts

In 2013, we were led to this ministry of canning local produce from our farmers for our neighbors at United Community Ministries. A group of about 30 of us received training on how to properly prepare and can the produce for safe storage. In our first season, we canned 1,095 quarts of produce! Surely a testament that With God We Can! This season we were blessed to be able to prepare 1,048 quarts of either canned or frozen produce.

9 Seasons

Since our start, each year from early May to late October (weather dependent), a rotating group of about 15 members goes to the farmers’ market; cleans, prepares, and cans the produce; and delivers jars of zucchini, squash, tomatoes, okra, peaches, apples, and whatever else our farmer friends donate. Each year, we have built new relationships with members of our community looking to contribute to this ministry.

Now completing our ninth season, in 2021 we have contributed over 9,000 quarts of fruits and vegetables! We are humbled by the outpouring of generosity and support from our community here in Rocky Mount.



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