Current Newsletter

check the side bar for downloadable links to this and prior Newsletters.

Trinity Lutheran Church

433 S. Winstead avenue

Rocky Mount, NC 27804

(252) 443-7462

Identity Statement:

With God We Can!

 The Joyful Noise



This month’s highlights

     Saturday, November 30               Prepare Sanctuary for Advent

                                                                         10:00 am

      Sunday, December 1                    Gifts for Children in Foster Care and

Poinsettia orders are due

      Sundays, December 1-22              Sunday School

                                                                        9:00 am

        Sundays, December 1-22            Sundays of Advent Worship

                                                                        10:00 am

Wednesdays, December 4-18        Mid-Week Advent Service

                                                                        Noon, 7:00 pm

       Saturday, December 7              Christmas Caroling

                                                                        10:30 am

        Sunday, December 8                    Council Meeting

                                                                           after worship

        Tuesday, December 10                Book Group

                                                                        11:00 am

      Sunday, December 15                 Payments for Poinsettia orders are due

       Tuesday, December 24                 Christmas Eve Worship

                                                                         7:00 pm

         Sunday, December 29                Worship

                                                                        10:00 am

Please read articles in the newsletter for more information about ministry opportunities offered here at Trinity Lutheran Church during November and December. Please accept the invitation to participate.

be safe, be kind.

Pastor: Rev. Alice Johnson-Curl             252-443-7462

Administrative Assistant:             252-443-7462


 From the Pastor’s Desk

 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

  13And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the

heavenly host, praising God and saying, 14“Glory to God in

the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom

He favors!”                                              Luke 2:13-14


As I write this letter, images of  this year’s world events crowd out images of Sweet Baby Jesus and make it hard to put together words that speak of goodwill and peace on earth.


The verse of a beloved hymn keeps running through my mind but sounds a bit off tune - How silently, how silently the Wondrous Gift is given.


The reality of powerful storms and floods and wildfires, and the violent and dangerous world in which we live made  more intense in the wake of wars and bombings and fragile cease-fires and threats intrudes upon our coloured lights and tinsel and seductive smell of cookies baking.


But – this broken and aching world is exactly the world Jesus came into as the Christ Child and continues to enter into bringing holy love and life and peace. It is exactly the world in which Jesus promises to remain and to return.


Perhaps more than ever, during this Advent and Christmas time, the Church, you and me included, needs to bring the presence of hope and light to places of

despair and darkness, to remind the hurting world and ourselves of the Wondrous Gift Who comes to us still.


You continue in my prayers.


Breathe peace, Pastor Alice



Please include in your prayers our members, relatives, and friends who have requested our prayers:

for all whose lives are affected by HIV/AIDS, for people and land threatened by or recovering from recent weather events especially Hurricane Helene and  Hurricane Milton and the flood in Spain, for our brothers and sisters who have no shelter and whose bowls are empty, for all communities wounded by violence especially Ukraine and the Middle East, and for those who feel there is no one to pray for them.

If you have added a name to the prayer list, please contact

Pastor Alice and share an update regarding the person.

Names will be rotated off the list every 30 days. Thank you.


Our Homebound Member


Pray for Our Troops


Words of Appreciation

Thank you to everybody who has given time and effort in assembling bulletins and newsletters in November!  We are truly blessed by your partnership in ministry.


A Sincere Thank You to Everybody who provided the delicious Thanksgiving meal shared on Sunday, November 17, 2024!


From Our Home to Yours

May the blessings of Christmas fill each heart with holy peace and gracious joy now and throughout the New Year! Pastor Alice and her husband


December is AIDS Awareness Month

I am amazed that even after decades since HIV/AIDS began to receive public attention, many folks still have a narrow image of who has this disease. The truth is, HIV/AIDS knows no boundaries. It affects young and old, rich and poor, across countries and races and lifestyles.

Please wear a red ribbon in remembrance of all whose lives have been touched by HIV/AIDS. And, please remember all the families and those who are part of the fight to eradicate this disease in your prayers.

Thank you. Pastor Alice


Love Meals  A reminder that the 1st Sunday of every month is designated as Love Meals Sunday.  Please bring non-perishable food items to share with folks in our community who struggle to provide food for their families.  The bucket is under the side table in the Gathering Space.  Thanks!


Sunday School classes are available for all ages.  Classes meet at 9:00 am.  Come and be part of this opportunity of learning ang growing together.  There’s room for everyone!  Sunday School will not meet on Sunday, December 29.  Thanks!


Lutheran Disaster Response

Recovery Update from Hurricanes Helene and Milton

Ten containers of LWR Quilts & Kits, made by caring people like you, have reached communities in the southeastern U.S. that were devastated by hurricanes Helene and Milton. Recipients included residents of a shelter for homeless veterans in Asheville, North Carolina, that was badly flooded during the storm. Watch to see these gifts being made, packed, prayed over and shipped. Then keep an eye out for more hurricane relief updates coming soon!


In partnership with Mennonite Disaster Service, LDR Carolinas is working with FEMA and other VOAD partners to identify families and communities who need safe access to their homes by rebuilding bridges.  Please call (704) 633-4862, visit or email if you are interested in more information about Bridging Together.


Decorating the Sanctuary  On Saturday, November 30, 2024, everyone is invited to gather at 10:00 am to help prepare the Sanctuary for Advent and Christmas – decorate the Chrismon tree; place candles and greens in the Sanctuary windows; prepare the Advent wreath; hang the outside wreaths.  For more information, please call the church office (252-443-7462).  Thanks!


Christmas Poinsettias  A form is available on the back cover of the newsletter for your use to order  poinsettias to adorn the chancel on the Christmas Eve.  Please submit completed forms to the church office by Sunday, December 1, 2024Payment is due by Sunday, December 15, 2024.  Thank you!


Trinity Will Sponsor Five Children in Foster Care with Christmas Gifts.  The gift cards are available on the table in the Gathering Space.  Please remember to attach the gift cards to wrapped presents.  Gifts are due by Sunday, December 1, 2024.  Please talk with Pastor Alice for more information.  Thank you for your generous partnership in this ministry.


On Wednesdays, December 4, 11, and 18, we will gather for Advent mid-week worship at noon and 7:00 pm. The theme this year is Restore Our Hope.  In what may feel like a too busy, stressful time, gift yourself and come and sit in the peace of a quiet worship.  Invite somebody to share this gracious opportunity.


Annual Christmas Caroling!  On Saturday, December 7, 2024, we will offer this cherished tradition of singing carols to possibly seven of our member households.  We will leave Trinity at 10:30 to begin our travels. As any who’ve participated in this ministry can tell you, the greater blessing comes to the carolers!


Book Group meets on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at 11:00 am.  Come and join this time of great conversation about Old Christmas by Washington Irving.

Looking ahead      

January – Camino Ghost by John Grisham

February – Katharina and Martin Luther: The Radical Marriage of a Runaway Nun and

Renegade Monk by Michelle DeRusha

All are welcome.


Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24, 2024 Our worship service will gather in the Sanctuary at 7:00 pm to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  This worship service will use favourite hymns as liturgy.  Holy Communion will be celebrated, and a Litany of Blessing of the Children will be shared.  Candles will be lit, and the congregation will process outside to declare Glory to God with the whole cosmos for the Holy Child of Bethlehem.  Come and worship the Child in the Manger!  Invite someone to share this holy time.


Please note – financial contributions must be received by Sunday, December 29, 2024, to be credited to 2024 statements.  Please talk with Barbara Rich if you have any questions.  Thank you.


Congregation Council

November 10, 2024 meeting

Cluster Reports


Worship Cluster


·   November 3rd- All Saints Sunday (white) The names of

departed saints will be included in the Prayers of Intercession during worship on

November 3. The Book of Remembrance will be available on a stand at the Sanctuary

entrance for names to be included in the prayer beginning October 13th. Please print


·   November 24th- Christ the King (white)

·   November 24th- orders for poinsettias due; cost is $8.00 per plant

·   November 30th- Saturday- Preparation of the Sanctuary for Advent/Christmas 10:00am



·   Advent begins Sunday, December 1st (blue)

·   Advent Sundays December 8th, 15th, and 22nd

·   Midweek Advent services are on December 4th, 11th, and the 18th at 7:00pm; theme is Restore

Our Hope.

·   Christmas Eve Service December 24th at 7:00pm.



Faith Growing Cluster

Stewardship - The yard sale on October 5th, 2024, was a success. There were many members from the congregation that assisted with the sale and many bakery goods items were donated. $2068.71 was raised from the sale and been sent to Peacekeepers. At the end of the sale very few donated items were left over, and they were picked up by Injoy as a donation to them from TLC. A special thank you to one of our members for her coordination, pricing and leadership at this very special event.


Christian Education - The adult Sunday school is studying the Acts of the Apostles at the beginning of the early church. We also spent time developing the framework of our Jesus story. In Acts, as the Holy Spirit guides them, the early disciples had to make their way through trials and persecution. They spoke boldly in the face of persecution. Many died. And now they will transition from their Jewish traditions to witnessing to gentiles. We will spend a few weeks branching out of Acts during the end of October and beginning of November to review the writings of Martin Luther. Please come and join us!


The children’s Sunday school will begin using Whirl, an ELCA lectionary-based resource, in the new Church year (begins in Advent) .


Caretaking Cluster

Family Life – Sandra Cobb is coordinating the congregation Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday, November 17, 2024, prior to the annual business meeting.  A sign-up sheet is on the table in the Gathering Space.

Finance – see separate report posted on the bulletin board in the Gathering Space

Property – had conversation with the congregation member who deals with propery; there typically isn’t a fall clean-up; he contacted the repair person who said he’d begin work in a few weeks – those weeks have passed; the member and Pastor Alice will discuss other options for a vendor to complete the work.


Invitation Cluster


·        Worship services are available on Facebook, YouTube and Trinity’s website.

Social Ministry

·        Love Meals Sunday is the 1st Sunday of every month.

·        With God We Can! 764 quarts were prepared this season.  This is less than in past years, but

the vendors struggled with the zucchini crop in August.


·        The Book Group meets monthly, usually the second Tuesday, at 11:00 am. The selections are

o   November – The Thanksgiving Visitor by Truman Capote

o   December – Old Christmas by Washington Irving

o   January – Camino Ghost by John Grisham

o   February – Katharina and Martin Luther: The Radical Marriage of a Runaway Nun

and Renegade Monk by Michelle DeRusha



Highlights from the

2024 Annual Congregation Business Meeting, November 17, 2024


- 20 voting members were in attendance; 8 is the required attendance for a quorum;  a quorum was established;


- 2025 Ministry Spending Plan unanimously approved.


- Because the slate of nominees for the vacancies on the Congregation Council presented less than the number needed (and there were no nominees from the floor), the congregation voted to allow the Congregation Council to conduct the business of the congregation without seating a full council; three people were elected (this provides a council of six instead of a full council of eight); the newly elected congregation council members are

o Angie Dorovic, Steve Joyner, Jamie Lease

o Members who continue are Ken Hinrichs, Aaron, Webb, Robin Webb


- 2025 Nominating Team members are

o Sandra Cobb, Jimmie Harvey, Steve Kline, Trina Kline, Henry Mruk


Please note that the church office will be closed on Wednesday, December 25, and Thursday, December 26, 2024.  We will be open Friday, December 27, 2024.



Prayer for Christmas


All-powerful and unseen God, the coming of Your Light into our world has brightened weary hearts with peace.  Call us out of darkness, and empower us to proclaim the birth of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever.  Amen. 


ELW, p 20


Christmas Eve Poinsettias

As is the tradition of our congregation, there will be opportunity to purchase poinsettias to adorn the chancel on Christmas Eve.  The price is $8.00 per plant.  Please include payment (checks are payable to Trinity Lutheran Church, note poinsettias in memo line) with completed form and place in the offering plate.  Orders are due by Sunday, December 1, 2024; payment is due by Sunday, December 15, 2024.  For more information, please see Robin Webb or call the church office at 252-443-7462.  Thank you.


I/We would like to give a poinsettia


In memory of __________________________________

Given by _________________________________



In honor of ____________________________________

 Given by _________________________________

To the Glory of God

    Given by _________________________________


Number of plants ____________@ $8 .00 each

Amount due___________


for office use

Check _____________  or  Cash paid ______________