Current Newsletter

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Trinity Lutheran Church

433 S. Winstead avenue

Rocky Mount, NC 27804

(252) 443-7462

Identity Statement:

With God We Can

 The Joyful Noise

January 2025


This month’s highlights


      Sundays, January 5-26                Sunday School                                                     9:00 am

      Sundays, January 5-26                Worship     10:00 am

      Saturday, January 4                   Council Retreat    10:00 am

      Sunday, January 5                       Installation of 2025 Congregation Leaders

Fellowship after Worship

       Thursday, January 9                  De-decoration of the Sanctuary 11:00 am

      Sunday, January 12                     Stewardship Event

      Tuesday, January 14                   Book Group                                                                 11:00 am

     Wednesday, January 15              Trinity hosts Homelessness Coalition Meeting        10:00 am

     Wednesday, January 29              Meals on Wheels                                                                    10:00 am

     Sunday, February 16                    Annual reflection on a year of ministry


Please read articles in the newsletter for more information about ministry opportunities offered here at Trinity Lutheran Church during January and February.

Please accept the invitation to participate.

be safe, be kind.



Pastor: Rev. Alice Johnson-Curl             252-443-7462


Administrative Assistant:             252-443-7462


From the Pastor’s Desk


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


What has come into being in Him was life, and the life was the Light of all people.  The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.                                                 John 1:3b-5


We are entering the harshest, coldest time of the year – mid-winter.  The days are often dark and overcast, temperatures cause chills, and there is always the threat of ice or snow.  All over the world people are desperate to find ways to survive hunger and homelessness and illness and oppression and poverty. Sometimes it can be hard to see the glorious Light and be bathed in the holy warmth of the One who shines in any darkness


Yet, it is into such a world God comes in the Word, bringing life and Light into our brokenness and emptiness and darkness!  Christ comes to illuminate and banish the gloom of our winters!  In our winters, personal and spiritual, through heavy clouds, breaking beyond frigid thermometer readings and impending bad weather, Jesus provides life and light and hope and peace.  And, what’s more, through Christ we become children of the Light, called to enter into this dark world to shine and share the Light with those who huddle in the shadows.


As we enter into this season of Epiphany, a time of green and Light, may the Holy Spirit fill each of us and make us shine with the Light of Christ, that we might become His presence and vessels which share the joy and promise of God’s love with all around us, especially our brothers and sisters here in Rocky Mount and at Trinity Lutheran Church.


Thank you for your partnership in ministry.


You continue in my prayers.


Breathe peace,

Pastor Alice



Administrative Assistant will be traveling January 26 – February 15.  Please keep her in prayer as she travels.


Words of Appreciation

Thank you to everybody who has given time and effort in assembling bulletins and newsletters in December!  We are truly blessed by your partnership in ministry.


Thank you so much for your prayer and your cards of sympathy during the loss of my father-in-law.  My husband and I appreciate your prayerful consideration of our grief.


                                      Administrative Assistant


Thank you so much for the generous gift given to me for Christmas.  You are so kind to remember me.


                                      Administrative Assistant


A Word of Thanks from Pastor Alice

Thank you from my husband and me for the kindness, generosity, and support shared with our family throughout 2024 and especially during this Christmas season.  May God keep you, bless you, and fill you with the Light of Christ now and always.

Most Sincere Thanks to Everybody Who Provided Gifts for the Five Children in Foster Care sponsored by our congregation.  Although we won’t see the smiles, be assured children who usually feel forgotten will have their hearts warmed by your generous kindness.  God bless you as you are a blessing!

Thank You for lending your voices in our annual Christmas caroling!  Although a small choir, we sang with gusto as we made five stops within our Trinity  community.  It was a joy to hear the voices of those who were visited join with ours!

Several Words of Thanks!

-         thank you to everyone who was a partner in With God We Can! in our twelfth year of this amazing ministry!

-         thank you to folks who provided gifts for local children in Foster care!

-         thank you to those who decorated the Sanctuary and throughout our facility for Advent and Christmas!

-         thank you to the angelic voices sharing Christmas carols and holiday songs with our shut-in and senior members and others!

-         thank you for your faithful partnership in ministry during this challenging year of 2024!

I am blessed to be your pastor.  Thank you!             

Breathe peace, Pastor Alice

As we enter the season of winter weather, please watch Channel 11 for closing or delay information for Trinity.

Love Meals  A reminder that the 1st Sunday of every month is designated as Love Meals Sunday.  Please bring non-perishable food items to share with folks in our community who struggle to provide food for their families.  The bucket is under the side table in the Gathering Space.  Thanks!

De-Decorating the Sanctuary  At 11:00 am  on January 9, 2025, we invite folks to de-decorate the Sanctuary.

Sunday School classes are available for all ages.  Classes meet at 9:00 am.  Come and be part of this opportunity of learning ang growing together.  There’s room for everyone!    Thanks!


Please include in your prayers our members, relatives, and friends who have requested our prayers:

for people and land threatened by or recovering from recent weather events especially Hurricane Helene, for our brothers and sisters who have no shelter and whose bowls are empty, for all communities wounded by violence especially Ukraine and the Middle East, and for those who feel there is no one to pray for them.

 Our Homebound Members

Pray for Our Troops


Stewardship Event

On Sunday, January 12, 2025, everyone in our congregation will be invited to participate in an opportunity to grow in our financial stewardship discipline.  A resource will be available for each household to use during the weeks from the Baptism of our Lord (January 12, 2025) until Transfiguration (March 2, 2025).  This resource is a collection of weekly reflections on a Bible passage and quote from Martin Luther prepared by members of Trinity.  On Sunday, March 2, 2025, everyone will be invited to present a personal commitment of financial stewardship to support the ministries of this congregation.  Ours is a generous congregation, always sharing support when a special request or campaign needs financial contributions.  And for that generous heart, thank you!  This focus is on growing in financial support for the daily ministries of Trinity, those that are part of the Ministry Spending Plan (which was unanimously approved at the November 2024 annual business meeting).  Please pray for God’s guidance as you reflect on your partnership in Trinity’s ministry of financial stewardship.  Please talk with a member of council or Pastor Alice if you have any questions.  Thank you.

Lutheran Disaster Response

Recovery Update from Hurricanes Helene and Milton

Hundred of clean-up kits, children’s comfort kits, and personal care/hygiene kits have been distributed in western North Carolina and some in South Carolina.  They welcome more kits only if they are already in progress, but they do not wish for people to begin making new kits.


To bring Christmas cheer, LDR Carolinas collected gift cards to be distributed in the wake of Hurricane Helene’s destruction – to purchase food, fuel, tools, or other home repair supplies or gift items for the season.  Please continue to support the efforts of LDR as they help our neighbors in the mountains restore their homes.

Book Group meets on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at 11:00 am.  Come and join this time of great conversation about Camino Ghost by John Grisham.  The February selection is Katharina and Martin Luther: The Radical

Marriage of a Runaway Non and Renegade Monk by Michelle DeRusha.  All are welcome.

Meals on Wheels  Trinity is scheduled to help deliver meals on Wednesday, January 29, 2025.  Please pick up meals at First Presbyterian Church at 10:00 am.  A sign-up sheet is on the table in the Gathering Space.  Please contact the church office if you have any questions.  Thanks!


2025 Annual Congregation Meal and Ministry Reflection and Review

On Sunday, February 16, 2025, following worship we will gather for soup and sandwiches and a time to reflect and review our ministry of the past year as well as look forward to opportunities in the coming year. The 2024 Annual Report will be published with reports from council that are summaries of our 2024 ministry, the treasurer’s annual report, letter from the president, and pastor’s report and letter along with an updated community directory.  These will be available at that meeting.  Watch for more information.  Thanks!


February is National Children’s Dental Health Month

In the month of February, we will sponsor a congregation member’s kindergarten class, and we will be collecting toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss to encourage children to adopt better dental care habits.  Invite your dentist to be a partner in this ministry by contributing dental care items.  The ministry opportunity is offered by the Invitation Cluster.  Please contact a member of council or the church office if you have any questions.


Congregation Council

December 8, 2024 meeting

Cluster Reports

 Worship Cluster

·   December

·                  Advent begins Sunday, December 1st (blue)

·                  Advent Sundays December 8th, 15th, and 22nd

·                  Midweek Advent services are on December 4th, 11th, and the 18th at 12 noon and 7:00pm; theme is Restore Our Hope

·                     Christmas Eve Service December 24th at 7:00pm. (white)

·   January 2025

·                     Thursday, January 9th at 11:00 am - de-decorate the Sanctuary

·                     January 6th- Epiphany of Our Lord

·                     January 12th- The Baptism of Our Lord


Faith Growing Cluster

Stewardship - The yard sale on October 5th, 2024, was a success.  There were many members from the congregation that assisted with the sale and many bakery goods items were donated.  Over $2068.71 was raised from the sale.  A check in that amount has been donated to Peacekeepers.  A special thank you to a congregation member for her coordination, pricing and leadership at this very special event.

·                 Looking ahead to 2025 we will focus on financial stewardship based on words from Martin Luther.  This focus will take place on the Sundays after Epiphany through Transfiguration Sunday.  Stay tuned for more to come!


Christian Education - The adult Sunday school is studying the Acts of the Apostles at the beginning of the early church.    We also spent time developing the framework of our Jesus story.  In Acts, as the Holy Spirit guides them, the early disciples had to make their way through trials and persecution.  They spoke boldly in the face of persecution and many died.  The class has spent the last two weeks discussing Martin Luther and now will be returning to their study of Acts.  The Acts of the Apostles now moves on to the missionary trips of Paul as he carried his message of salvation to the gentiles.  Please come and join us!


The children’s Sunday school will begin using Whirl, an ELCA lectionary-based resource, in the new Church year (begins in Advent) .


Caretaking Cluster

Family Life - A sincere thank you to two congregation members for organizing our annual congregation Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday, November 17, 2024, and to everybody who shared a dish! There was plenty of tasty food that was enjoyed by all present.

- We will continue to host after worship refreshments on the first Sunday of the month when birthdays and anniversaries will be recognized; a sign-up sheet is available for hosting this ministry.

- Early conversation is beginning about returning to our tradition of celebrating Shrove Tuesday with a pancake supper; this will be Tuesday, March 4, 2025.


Finance -

- Focus on developing/growing in the discipline of presenting tithes will be provided by the Faith Growing Cluster during the Sundays after Epiphany (January 12-March 2, 2025); a resource will be prepared with reflections on quotes from Luther about stewardship by members of the congregation (Pastor Alice will invite folks to participate and produce the resource); on Sunday, March 2, 2025, a litany of dedication will be part of worship


Property -  Unfortunately, the work on the outer wall under the stained-glass window in the Sanctuary (facing Winstead Avenue) has not begun; a congregation member had been assured by Scooter he would start on Thursday, November 21, 2024 and expected the job would not take but two days; Pastor and Jack will discuss looking for other contractors; the concern is weather.  (Important Update – since the writing of this cluster report, the work has been completed by Scooter.)

- As temperatures drop, it is likely that our utility bills will increase; folks are encouraged to wear layers.


Invitation Cluster


·        Worship services are available on Facebook, YouTube and Trinity’s website.


Social Ministry

·        With God We Can! Our 12th season of this ministry has ended. 764 quarts of produce were shared with brothers and sisters who serve Peacemakers and the Salvation Army.

·        Trinity will sponsor five children in foster care with Christmas gifts.  Wrapped gifts with original gift tag are due back to Trinity on Sunday, December 1, 2024.

·        Love Meals A reminder that the 1st Sunday of every month is designated as Love Meals Sunday. Please bring non-perishable food items to share with folks in our community who struggle to provide food for their families.



·        Annual Christmas Caroling!  On Saturday, December 7, 2024, we will offer this cherished tradition of singing carols to serval of our shut-ins.

·        The Book Group meets monthly, usually the second Tuesday, at 11:00 am. The selections are

o  November – The Thanksgiving Visitor

by Truman Capote

o  December – Old Christmas

    by Washington Irving

o  January – Camino Ghost by John Grisham

o  February – Katharina and Martin Luther:

    The Radical Marriage of a Runaway Nun and

    Renegade Monk by Michelle DeRusha