Please check the sidebar to the right for downloadable PDF links for
the current and past newsletters.
Trinity Lutheran Church
433 S. Winstead avenue
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
(252) 443-7462
Identity Statement:
With God We Can!
The Joyful Noise
April 2025
This month’s highlights
Sundays, April 6-13, 27 Sunday School 9:00 am
Sundays, April 6- 27 Worship 10:00 am
Wednesdays, April 2-April 9 Lent Mid-Week Worship Noon
Sunday, April 6 Council Meeting
Tuesday, April 8 Book Group 11:00 am
Saturday, April 12 Spring Clean-up 9:00 am
Sunday, Apr 13 Palm/Passion Sunday
Wednesday, April 16 Holy Wednesday Service of Healing Noon, 7:00 pm
Thursday, April 17 Maundy Thursday Service Noon, 7:00 pm
Friday, April 18 Good Friday Tenebrae Worhip Service Noon, 7:00 pm
Saturday, April 19 Prepare Sanctuary for Easter 10:00 am
Wednesday, April 30 Meals on Wheels 10:00 am
Please read articles in the newsletter for more information about
ministry opportunities offered here at
Trinity Lutheran Church during April.
Please accept the invitation to participate.
be safe, be kind.
Pastor: Rev. Alice Johnson-Curl 252-443-7462
Administrative Assistant: 252-443-7462
From the Pastor’s Desk
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
May the Lord give strength to His people!
May the Lord bless His people with peace!
Psalm 29:11
It’s early in the morning. The women approach the tomb carrying spices to prepare Jesus’ Body. I imagine they are a little scared, after all there are armed guards, and the executive order is still in effect that threatens anyone who’s associated with Jesus. Still, they make the trip into the cemetery, determined to complete the task of bidding a final farewell to their Beloved Lord. These women push beyond their fear, focused only on showing honour to Jesus’ corpse. They have a holy strength in their commitment and conviction.
When they reach the tomb, it’s open and empty. Angels greet them, and immediately, that surge of fear returns. But the angels speak words to help them remember what Jesus said about His death and resurrection. And, again, these faithful followers let go of the terror and instead are filled with assurance and energy and celebration.
Easter is when the world hears once more the story about life. The Church hears again the message of how Jesus conquers death. In the words of the angels, we are invited to remember all Jesus has told us, to remember His promise of life. And in this sacred message, you and I and all people are offered words of hope and renewal and love that bring a fullness of Jesus’ presence of strength and peace.
Risen Christ! We kneel before You with grateful hearts for Your fulfillment of all Your promises. In times when we are weak, strengthen us with Your presence. When we are afraid, fill us with Your peace. To You alone be all honour and glory! Amen!
Thank you for your partnership in ministry.
You continue in my prayers.
Breathe peace,
Pastor Alice
This is reprinted from my contribution to the Lent Devotional Booklet 2025 for The Resurrection of Our Lord, April 20, 2025.
Words of Appreciation
Thank you to everybody who has given time and effort in assembling bulletins and newsletters in March! We are truly blessed by your partnership in ministry.
Thank you to the folks who help prepare for worship and share worship leadership!
The Administrative Assistant will be traveling March 25 - April 7. Please keep her in prayer as she travels.
April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month
It is a reality for thousands of children that most of us can’t imagine, scenes that are beyond our worst nightmares. Yet, the ugly truth is, child abuse is very real. There is no community immune. During this month, please remember the children who long for a safe adult in their lives. Wear a blue ribbon for them. And, please, lift a prayer every day for healing of these precious bodies and minds and spirits as well as those who cause the hurt. Thank you.
Love Meals A reminder that the 1st Sunday of every month is designated as Love Meals Sunday. Please bring non-perishable food items to share with folks in our community who struggle to provide food for their families. The bucket is under the side table in the Gathering Space. Thanks!
2025 Lent Devotional Resource
In keeping with the practice of Trinity over the past 18 years, the congregation’s leaders will prepare a devotional resource for Lent for use in our Lenten discipline. Copies have been available. Please plan to continue to include this resource as part of your Lenten journey. Thanks to all for your contribution.
During Lent, the Mid-Week Worship Services will gather in Resurrection Hall at noon. This year’s theme is Turning Toward God's Abundance: A Lenten Service Of Word And Prayer. Please include this time as part of your Lenten discipline.
Worship Opportunities
Sunday, April 6 Fifth Sunday in Lent
Sunday School 9:00 am
Worship 10:00 am
Wednesdays, April 2 Lent Mid-Week Worship
& April 9 Noon
Holy Week
Palm/Passion Sunday is April 13, 2025. Sunday School is at 9:00 am for all ages. Worship is at 10:00 am and will begin in the front parking lot (weather permitting!) and move into the Sanctuary with a precession of palms.
Other worship opportunities are Holy Wednesday, April 16, for a Service of Prayer for Healing which will offer anointing and Eucharist; Maundy Thursday, April 17, which will include individual absolution, Eucharist, and Stripping of the Altar; Good Friday, April 18, which will use the ancient service of Tenebrae. These worship services will gather at noon and 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary.
Easter Sunday – April 20, 2025, at 10:00 am
Please share worship on this Highest Festival of the Church. Invite someone to come with you!
Other opportunities for Ministry include
Sunday, April 6 Payment for Lily Orders due
Saturday, April 12 Spring Clean-Up
9:00 am
Saturday, April 19 Preparation of Sanctuary for Easter
10:00 am
Sunday School classes are available for all ages. Classes meet at 9:00 am. Come and be part of this opportunity of learning ang growing together. There’s room for everyone! Please note – Sunday School will not meet on Easter Sunday, April 20, 2025. Thanks!
Easter Cross
This is an Easter witness to our community that is noticed every year. April 19 through June 8 we will gladly accept contributions of flowers for the Easter Cross. If anyone has flowers in their yard and would like to assist in this ministry, please see Robin Webb.
The Book Group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 11:00 am (unless otherwise announced). On April 8 we will discuss A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This is the book that first introduced Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson. Upcoming selections are
May: Eight Is Enough by Tom Braden
June: The Judge’s List by John Grisham
Come join us for this time of fellowship and conversation.
Meals on Wheels – Trinity is scheduled for Wednesday, April 30, 2025, to deliver Meals on Wheels. Please sign up on the sheet in the Gathering Space, and be at First Presbyterian at 10:00 am. For more information, please contact the church office. Thanks for your ministry.
Congregation Council
March 9, 2025 meeting
Cluster Reports
Worship Cluster
March 2025
· March 2nd-Transfiguration of Our Lord (white)
· March 4th- Shrove Tuesday
· March 5th- Ash Wednesday (purple) worship at noon and 7pm
Midweek Lent Services: Theme-Turning Towards God’s Abundance
Services will be held in Resurrection Hall
· March 12th – worship at noon
· March 19th- worship at noon
· March 26th -worship at noon
Look for information in the bulletin on purchasing Easter Lilies. We will need to know the amount you would like to purchase by March 16th and payment will be due on April 6th.
April 2025
Midweek Lent Services: Theme- Turning Towards God’s Abundance
Services will be held in Resurrection Hall
· April 2nd- worship at noon
· April 9th- worship at noon
Holy Week
· April 16th- Service of Prayer for Healing-
noon and 7pm
· April 17th- Maundy Thursday- worship at noon and 7pm
· April 18th-Good Friday Tenebrae- worship at noon and 7pm
· Saturday, April 19th-Prepare Sanctuary for Easter 10:00am
April 20th- Easter Sunday
Faith Growing Cluster
Stewardship - A booklet entitled Scripture and Luther’s Words: Wisdom about Stewardship is available as a Stewardship Resource for 2025. It covers the weeks from the Baptism of our Lord (January 12, 2025) until Transfiguration (March 2, 2025). This resource is a collection of weekly reflections on a Bible passage and quote from Martin Luther prepared by members of Trinity. On Sunday, March 2, 2025, everyone will be invited to present a personal commitment of financial stewardship to support the ministries of this congregation. Ours is a generous congregation, always sharing support when a special request or campaign needs financial contributions. And for that generous heart, thank you! This focus is on growing in financial support for the daily ministries of Trinity, those that are part of the Ministry Spending plan (which was unanimously approved at the November 2024 annual business meeting). Please pray for God’s guidance as you reflect on your partnership in Trinity’s ministry of financial stewardship. Please talk with a member of council or Pastor Alice if you have any questions. Thank you.
Christian Education - After studying the Epiphany account in the Gospel of Matthew the adult Sunday school will spend six to 8 weeks studying Paul’s letter to the Romans.
The children’s Sunday school will continue to use Whirl, an ELCA lectionary-based resource.
Caretaking Cluster
Family Life
February 16-Soup and Sandwich lunch during Annual Ministry Reflection And Review
March 4-Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. Sign-up sheet in Gathering Space.
Ongoing-After worship fellowship monthly. Sign-up sheet in Gathering Space.
Finance – see separate Treasurer’s report
Capital Campaign-Refinancing mortgage & roof replacement.
There is an 18.6% increase in our insurance premium which exceeds the line item in the 2025 Ministry Spending Plan by $366.00
The estimate for the air handler from Mike Harvey HVAC is $5,000.00 for equipment and labor.
Spring clean-up is scheduled for 9:00 am on Saturday, April 12th.
Invitation Cluster
YouTube, Facebook and the website are continually updated.
Social Ministry
Love Meals A reminder that the 1st Sunday of every month is designated as Love Meals
Sunday. Please bring non-perishable food items to share with folks in our community who
struggle to provide food for their families.
Highway Cleanup will be held after Worship on March 16.
In recognition of Dental Health Month, Trinity is collecting oral hygiene products during the month of February for the students in a member of the congregation’s class.
Book Group –The book group is typically the second Tuesday, at 11:00 am. The book selection
for March is A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
All are welcome.