Trinity Lutheran Church–ELCA

Lutheran Disaster Response - Recovery from Hurricane Helene

Your gifts in support of Lutheran Disaster Response help our Church provide immediate relief, such as water, clothing, gift cards, tarps and other needs. Since many hurricanes also require a long-term response, Lutheran Disaster Response provides support on the long road to recovery with disaster case management, construction management, unmet needs, and emotional and spiritual care. Click the link to give directly.


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We believe that

With God We Can!

Image of Trinity Lutheran Church as viewed from Winstead Avenue
Image of the roadside sign Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday Worship 10:00 Rev. Alice Johnson-Curl, Pastor Welcome All

If you are looking for a place where you are always welcome - not judged by what you wear, how much you have or where you live; a place where you can share your beliefs, grow in faith, express your doubts and live as Church not just on Sunday but every day, please accept this invitation to come to Trinity Lutheran Church.

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!
— 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NRSVA)

Join us for Worship on Sundays ~ Worship at 10:00 am


Join us for Worship on Sundays ~ Worship at 10:00 am 〰️

  • Services are held at Noon in Resurrection Hall. Let’s use this time to turn our hearts and minds to the Lord during this somber season of Lent.

  • Join us for a discussion of Eight Is Enough, by Tom Braden - the true story behind the classic television show.

  • Join us as we commemorate the entrance of our Savior into Jerusalem.

  • As we recognize Holy Wednesday, join us at either Noon or 7:00 pm for a Service of Prayer and Healing.

  • Join us during a time of personal reflection and communal Worship for Maundy Thursday, the day of the betrayal of our Savior Jesus Christ. Services are offered at Noon and 7:00 pm.

  • On Good Friday, we honor the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior with a Tenebrae Service at Noon and 7:00 pm.

  • We will meet at 10:00 am to prepare our Sanctuary for the wonderful celebration!

serving our neighbors

September 17, 2023 - Reverend Alice Johnson-Curl receives a Solidarity Grant of $20,000 from Lutheran Disaster Response Carolinas to support the recovery efforts in the Dortches, North Carolina, community after the devastating tornado of July 19, 2023. We are honored to partner in this important ministry as we serve our community with the coalition of Trinity Lutheran Church, Lakeside Baptist Church, and the Town of Dortches. We appreciate the commitment of the North Carolina Synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and LDR-Carolinas to support the recovery.

Pictured: Reverend Ruth Ann Sipe, Reverend Alice Johnson-Curl, Reverend Ray Sipe



We look forward to having you worship with us.




9 am — Sunday School (September-May) Classes for adults and children are available.

10 am — Sunday Worship with Holy Communion


If you cannot join us in person, join us in worship online by visiting our Facebook page or our YouTube channel. The “Worship Services” link at the top of this page is also available to view services after the fact. Thank you for joining us virtually!



Get to Know us


Meals on wheels



With God We Can!

In August of 2013 Trinity began canning produce provided by a local community garden along with surplus produce from the Farmers Market during its first week of operation. In the following weeks, only produce from the Farmers Market was received. Many of the growers there noted that instead of hauling unsold produce home, they preferred putting it to good use by feeding hungry people in the community...


11th Season Completed!

Growing From Humble beginnings

Each year we grow with continued community support and new partnerships. We are ever humbled by the show of faith and love by our neighbors here in Rocky Mount!



Trinity member participants

Like the mustard seed, our small core group of member participants have had a mighty impact.



quarts of Produce to date

Completing our 10th season, with the support of our farmers, we have been able donate over 10,000 quarts of fruits and vegetables to the United Community Ministries. Truly, With God We Can!


Results of the 2022 With God We Can ministry: 

Through November, 2022, Trinity Lutheran Church has processed and provided a total of 1,339 quarts of fruits and vegetables to Peacemakers.   

It has been estimated that hundreds of pounds of garden-fresh fruits and vegetables were also delivered on Saturdays this past summer and fall to the Salvation Army and the United Community Ministries Soup Kitchen.   

The Soup Kitchen has also received delivery of many quart jars of the 2021 inventory of canned apples, peaches, pears, squash and tomatoes. 

The listing of the variety of produce received by Trinity Lutheran for its With God We Can & Freeze ministry includes apples, blackberries, butterbeans, cantaloupes, cherry tomatoes, collards, cucumbers, egg plants, field peas, green beans, greens, hot peppers, okra, pears, persimmons, pink-eyed peas, radishes, red peppers, red potatoes, sweet corn, sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, watermelons, yellow squash, and zucchini.’  Canned goods and loaves of fresh baked breads and breakfast rolls were also provided to With God We Can from the Farmers Market this season.

  When you total the produce that was processed by the volunteers for the With God We Can & Freeze ministry since it was launched 10-years ago the number so far is 10,569 quarts.

A sincere “Thank you” to the growers from the Farmers Market at Rocky Mount Mills and to all that helped process this food for those in need in our community.   

We Can…

Password: “can”


 Please click on Calendar events for more details.



United Community Ministries

And they asked, “Lord, when did we see You hungry or naked or sick or homeless and help You?” And Jesus said, “When you care for those who are seen by the world as unimportant and easy to ignore, you care for Me.” 

My loose translation of Matthew 25. 
